Dating myth or reality? – Divorced or widowed people tend to remarry
Last Update : March 2, 2017

Giving love a second, a third or even a fourth chance it seems to be a tendency nowadays.
Getting involved in a new relationship after a long and hard divorce or some time after becoming widow may not be the cup of tea for everyone.
However, people have always been very keen on bounce relationships or even on remarriages.
The dating hypothesis: Half of people tend to marry again
The culture of remarriage has always been the order of the day.
A survey published by the National Center for Health Statistics in 2002 about marriage trends in the US, showed that more than half of women joined in matrimony for more than once within five years.
An astonishing 75% of females celebrated another new marriage within 10 years.
Historically, more men than women tend to legally commit more than once in their lifetime.
Another study from 2005, where senior daters were asked about their love life, revealed that men are five times more likely to remarry after widowhood.
In spite women usually use to live longer than men, it is clear that years ago they preferred to embrace their widow condition.
Men’s perspective
Do nowadays people still believe that remarriage is a great option? Still there are a significant difference between marrying habits of men and women?
Relationship habits have changed in the last decade. Singles think twice before tying the knot, at least in comparison with previous generations.
However, remarriage is on the rise. A Pew Research launched in 2014, revealed that four of every 10 new marriages included a partner that was getting married for, at least, the second time.
And the figure of remarried adults, especially men, has tripled since 1960s.
Currently, divorced and widowed men are more open to the idea of remarriage in comparison to females in the same situation.
Nowadays, a considerable 62% of men remarry and it is not a thing about senior daters as it used to be years ago.
The surprising fact is that males aged 35 to 44 are the ones more likely to get committed one more time.
Women’s perspective
Nowadays, females from all age rages are more reluctant to remarry than men. They are more independent.
Only 52% of women step into matrimony for a second (or more) time.
Females between the ages of 25 and 34 are more inclined to remarry for the second time.
Senior women also tend to be fascinated about the idea of getting married once again after divorce or widowhood.
Specifically, one in every four females over 45 actually gets hitched for at least a second time.
Dating myth or reality?
It is true that nowadays there are less marriages than years ago, and that singles wait longer to tie the knot.
Nevertheless, people who have been already been married in the past, men in particular, and who got divorced or become widow at some point, are more likely to get hitched one more time.
Therefore, the idea that divorced or widow people tend to remarry at least for a second time is a dating reality!
Photo by Ommaphat Chotirat | ShutterStock.